Friday, 5 October 2018

Sitecore Gyan : Day 22

For case insensitive operation with Sitecore XPath Query, use CompareCaseInsensitive function.
For example:
And all XPath Query function defined in Sitcore.Data.Query.Functions

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Sitecore Gyan : Day 21

Federated Experience Manager (FXM) allows us to track visitor interactions and generate analytics info on external,
non-Sitecore websites with Sitecore.
To enable FXM functionality, a JavaScript tag is added to the external websites.
FXM Experience Editor allows us to do task same as on Sitecore XP.
For FXM,
  • must be supportable license.xml
  • must have Sitecore xDB
  • must be same application level protocol for both external and sitecore.

FXM is use to implement 

  • personalization rules
  • create goals and events 
  • implement content profiling on an external website.

for config Sitecore.FXM.*.config at ~/App_Config/Include/FXM

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Sitecore Gyan : Day 20

Sitecore query helps to retrieve data from database, Sitecore Query is not good for large number of data. And we can control max number of result return from Sitecore Query by giving value to Query.MaxItems element under ~/configuration/sitecore/settings/setting/web.config

Monday, 1 October 2018

Sitecore Gyan : Day 19

An administrator can overwrite any of the workflow states and move an item through the states or publish the item at any given time.