Saturday, 10 March 2018

Sitecore File Explorer access ?

Wanted to access files of sitecore instance, but not able to access physical files because that instance hosted on another Server/System?

Wanted to deploy files (includes: views/assets/dll/configs) on QA/UAT and you have access of Sitecore Instance CMS only?

Wanted to download for comparing files or upload your own files on QA/UAT quickly?


So these all you can do with Sitecore existing feature, where you can access file explorer via Instance URL:


Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Tracker.Current is not Initialized: sitecore

After setting up fresh sitecore instance, when we're trying to open page item for the first time in experience editor.
Then usually we get error as: "Tracker.Current is not initialized".

Generally we get this issue because of analytics. Here fixed this issue with alternative ways.

First one is just disable Tacking, and it will work fine. For that
 Goto "~/App_Config/Sitecore.config" and find <sites> node under this find site="website" and check if "enableTracking" is true then make it false.
 Great, now check it should work.

But the main issue is we didn't fixed this issue, actually we ignore this issue and now our sitecore instance will not do tracking.

So our goal is to enableTracking as true and page should be open in experience editor fot that
another alternative is -
  • Check mongoDB is installed or not?
  • Mongo service is running or not?
  • Find "~/App_Config/Include/Sitecore.Analytics.Tracking.config" and check
    • "Analytics.ClusterName" setting is correct or not?
    • "Analytics.Hostname" setting is correct or not?

  this solution is little bit complex but this way once fixed then in future our instance will tracking enabled.