Friday 5 January 2018

How to take backup of SQL Database with Powershell?

PowerShell, gives us power to do task very quickly just by writing few line of magical scripts.
Today was looking to create backup of SQL database with the help of Windows Powershell and believe me it's too easy and fast.

So let's start,

$Server = '<Server_Name>' 
$Database = '<Database_Name>'
$FilePath = '<TargetPath/Backup_FileName.bak>' 
Backup-SqlDatabase -ServerInstance $Server -Database $Database -BackupFile $FilePath 

for source code please click here
For example:

$Server = 'SQLServer'
$Database = 'POCDatabase'
$FilePath = 'C:\POCDatabase.bak'
Backup-SqlDatabase -ServerInstance $Server -Database $Database -BackupFile $FilePath

That's it, now check the backup file at target path.

@Note Sometime Backup-SqlDatabase commands not exist, then in this case have to manually add module to the PowerShell related to SQL by

Import-Module SQLPS

after importing module again try the above scripts.

Friday 29 December 2017

How to increase performance of Sitecore Application?

It's one more great year, thank you Sitecore. Today going to write a blog post related to Speedup Sitecore Instance.

"Opportunities(Users) have no patience for websites with poor load speeds"- It's True.


So to increase performance of normal web application, below keys are very useful:
  • Caching
  • Minimizing http request (Bundling CSS/JS)
  • Use CSS sprites to load all icons
  • Optimize Image Compression

Let's start with for Sitecore Instance in details:

Here noted down some points, hope will help.

1. Caching (HTML Cache/ Item Cache/ Data Cache/ Prefetch Cache)

Always use HTML Caching, if possible then make all the view rendering cachable.

To increase startup of application:
Should work with Prefetch cache, because item's data are already fetched from database to prefetch cache.
now let's jump to ~/app_config/prefetch/ and customize by

How much will be cache size for:
a. can limit cache size of item
b. can limit cache size of children

Which item will be cachable will listed down:
c. can preload template that most frequent pages are using
like: master components/pages based templates (header/footer)
d. can preload item
like: Home (most visited page for any site)
e. can preload child item
like: Immediate child of Home

2. Sitecore Client:

Always give limited permission to Content Author
And make sure, have no permission for Site Publish
Should have only incremental/smart publish permission
Content expiration should be enable in IIS
Don't show standard fields in Content editor
limit number of child for Parent Item to 100

3. Database:

Make sure to completely truncate tables(listed below), before publishing website

4. Monitor Sitecore logs files continuously

5. Disable Search index, if not using

6. Check is there any scheduled task running in background (possibly custom task may running, disable if unwanted).

7. Use Bundling for minification of JS/CSS to improve request load time.

8. Since Fast Query and Axes.GetDescendants() both are not cachable, so try to less use.

This Year Boosting,

Merry Christmas๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…๐Ÿ‘
Happy New Year✌๐ŸŽˆ๐Ÿป