Thursday 31 August 2017

Creating Anti Package Using Sitecore Rocks

After uploading package using Sitecore rocks you will got an options to create anti-package.

So let me tell you why it's safe to create anti-package while installing package each time.

"Anti-package means it will take backup of the Items/Files which is going to overwritten after installing package"

Let me explain more, Suppose a scenario where you are working on client project and if you are going to install sitecore package directly without creating anti package. So once package will be installed you can not get back the previous changes because it's overwritten after installing package.
That's why every time sitecore rocks ask to create anti package before installing and after uploading package.

Now it's time to create anti-package:

So just chill it's a process of only one click that's it.

After uploading Sitecore package you will get this window, you need to just click on the Create Anti Package 

and congrats your anti package has been created, really it's pretty fast and easy.

Enjoy buddy.
Now go back to the url to upload/install package

Upload and Install Sitecore Package using Sitecore Rocks

Hello Guys,

let's start by uploading and installing package using Sitecore Rocks.

After creating connection of sitecore instance with sitecore rocks right click on the instance
as below we did and then select MANAGE PACKAGE option

after that select the package child of Sitecore Rocks Section, and now you will see all the uploaded sitecore package on the existing sitecore instance.

Now click on the Upload and install  as on the top Middle button appeared on the window.

and now select package which you want to install.

@NOTE: There is one interesting thing with rocks that you can select to upload package from file system of any path (not necessary to select from "data/package") as above image selected from Picture directory

Generally on the Sitecore instance from Browser side we need to upload the package from package directory.

after selecting the package will see Install package-properties. Now here we have an option to either first create anti-package before installation or skip this step and just install package which we uploaded.

To create Anti-Package using Sitecore Rocks click here  and also explained why we need to create Anti-Package using sitecore rocks

 after the creation of Anti-Package now it's time to install package. So just click on install and great your package is installed successfully!!!

Package using Sitecore Rocks

Working related to Package tasks using Sitecore Rocks is really amazing experience and absolutely pretty fast as compare to Sitecore Instance on Browser.

Let me describe why to work package related task with Sitecore rocks:

1. Suppose your package is outside to the package directory (by default which is inside <sitecore instance>/data/package), then you can easily upload and install that package using Sitecore Rocks, and i think this is not possible with Sitecore instance with Browser.

2. Speed, yes speed on the browser side most of the time package installation takes too much time or just loading and loading, But with Sitecore rocks it's pretty fast and easy.

3. You can create Anti Package at the time of installing package. And this is one of the best features of Sitecore rocks and will describe later why we should create Anti Package while installing package.

Please go through with below blogs related to Package tasks which divided into parts:

1. Upload/install Package using Sitecore Rocks
2. Creating Anti Package using Sitecore Rocks
3. Create Package Using Sitecore Rocks

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Rebuild with Sitecore Rocks

Rebuild the index and link database with sitecore instance browser is little bit headache because of session expire. Sometime browser through and error to kill the process.

To avoid this issue i will suggest you to do the rebuild process from sitecore rocks side, it's pretty much fast as compare to browser side.

just goto database-> tasks->(Rebuild Link Database/Rebuild Search Index).

Have a good day, Enjoy with rocks!!!

Sunday 27 August 2017

Creating template with sitecore rocks

It's easy and fast with rocks to create items.

Let's start with creating Template, here attaching screenshots and pointing steps to create template please check with these:

Go to Master Database (here i scoped to master database, that's why only master database is getting appear on the tree).
Go to template at /sitecore/template after this go to the path/directory where we wants to create template(template/sample)

Right click to Sample Template Folder(sitecore/template/sample) select "New Template"

After this give the template name.
If required then create standard value (but it's good and best practices to create standard value while template creation)
After this inherited with templates to use the fields of another templates. By the ways default base template "Standard template" is already inherited to newly created template.

We can add more template while inheriting or can also remove templates from inheritance.

After inheriting more than two template we can set their position by up and down arrow.

After successfully giving property to template now it's time to add field section and field to the template.

 Congrats template has been now created.

Saturday 26 August 2017

Creating connection with Sitecore Rocks

To create connection Sitecore Rocks with Sitecore Instance

First you should have Sitecore Rocks tool/extension installed in your Visual Studio, if not installed then please check with my previous blog that How to Install Sitecore Rocks with Visual Studio

After the Successfully Installation with Sitecore Rocks, now it's time to create connection with Sitecore instance.

1. On the top of the Solution Sitecore Tab is getting displayed click on that tab and select "New Connection"

2. Fill the Host Name, Sitecore Connection Credential and wwwroot sitecore instance path these three fields are required to create connection and that is required for the fiirst time.

3. After this test that connection is created or not? And if connection will created then you will get "Yes It's work" success message.

4. Now click OK twice and after this select Sitecore Explorer.

@Note: One important thing is always scope to the project's database where you are going to work. Like for development most of the time will work on the master database

You can also scope to the content/rendering/template level as per your requirements, it will reduce the chance of getting mistake.

Thursday 24 August 2017

Installing Sitecore Rocks with Visual Studio solutions

It's very easy and quick installation of sitecore rocks with Visual Studio Solutions.

Please follow the steps to install the Sitecore Rocks:
1. Open Visual Studio
2. Go to Tool Tab(placed on the top of the Visual Studio)

3. Select "Extensions and Updates..." option
4. After that on the left side select "Online" and now on the right-top search "Sitecore Rocks"

5. Now install and after successfully installation restart the Visual Studio.

Congrats Sitecore Rocks is now installed Successfully.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Why Sitecore Rocks?

Before Starting to work with any tools/technologies it's good to know what, why and how we are going to work with that. So guys let me explain one by one:

What is Sitecore Rocks?
It's a bridge between Sitecore Instance and Project Solution, that provide fast development experience to the developer.
"Sitecore rocks makes happy to Sitecore Developer"

And the best thing is it's open source tool that directly integrated with Visual Studio Projects.

Why Sitecore Rocks?
It's not necessary to use Sitecore rocks, but good practice to work with this tool. Each time you don't need to move from solution to Sitecore browser side.
According to my personal opinion, Sitecore Rocks is pretty much fast as compare with Browser(Sitecore Instance).
With this tool you will have all the features that required while development, even you can create Anti-Package, Can check the Publishing Queue and more.

How to Use Sitecore Rocks?

So Here I will provide you all the Steps to work with Sitecore Rocks:

1. Installation of Sitecore Rocks to the Visual Studio
2. Creating Connection with Sitecore Instance using Sitecore Rocks.
3. Creating Template using Sitecore Rocks.
4. Properties on template using Sitecore Rocks.
5. Creating Layout using Sitecore Rocks.
6. Creating Rendering using Sitecore Rocks.
7. Creating Placeholder using Sitecore Rocks.
8. Creating Page Item using Sitecore Rocks.
9. Publishing Page Item using Sitecore Rocks.
10. Creating/Installing Package using Sitecore Rocks.
11. Checking Publishing Queue using Sitecore Rocks.
12. Working with X-Path Query using Sitecore Rocks.
13. Rebuild Search Index and Link database using Sitecore Rocks.
14. Checking/Adding new Site to Site definition using Sitecore Rocks.
15. Updating Temp files using Sitecore Rocks to improve performance.
16. Checking/Adding new Pipelines and their definitions using Sitecore Rocks.
17. Clear cache using Sitecore Rocks
18. Sitecore Commands with Sitecore Rocks.

(...) will add more soon.

Let me know if you have any comments or feedback.