Showing posts with label installation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label installation. Show all posts

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Install-SitecoreConfiguration : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Signer'. The “$_.HasPrivateKey -eq $true”

 Are you facing below issue while setting fresh Sitecore (9.x version) instance ?

Install-SitecoreConfiguration : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Signer'. The “$_.HasPrivateKey -eq $true”

Then I would suggest to follow below steps sequentially as

  • Close PowerShell session, where installation were going on.
  • Remove/cut to other location all certificates from C://certificates
  • go to installation path and open xconnect-createcert.json
  • Now search key named as StoreLocation in this file
  • and then change value as LocalMachine

Hope this will help to resolve above issue.

Tuesday 1 June 2021

Install-SitecoreConfiguration : Missing required parameter: name

This may be one issue at the time of Sitecore instance setup and to resolve this issue, please follow below steps

Open and update files for 

  • sitecore-XP0.json
  • xconnect-xp0.json

and once opened file, search "Arguments": { "Name" 

If found then replace with "Arguments": { "name" and save.

Now execute installation script again, hope this will help.

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Install-SitecoreConfiguration : Cannot retrieve the dynamic parameters for the cmdlet. Unrecognized escape sequence

 If facing below issue at the time of Sitecore instance setup

Install-SitecoreConfiguration : Cannot retrieve the dynamic parameters for the cmdlet. Unrecognized escape sequence.

Then would suggest to update files for



scinstall.ps1 (in your case, installation script file name may be different)

by searching '\' in above files and replace with "\\" in file path

for example: 

earlier setting was 

$PSScriptRoot\Sitecore 9.0.2 rev. 180604 (OnPrem)

and replaced with 

$PSScriptRoot\\Sitecore 9.0.2 rev. 180604 (OnPrem)

and once all settings updated in script, then execute again.

Hope this will help.

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Sorry, there was an error : unauthorized_client Sitecore


Sometimes, after fresh instance setup maybe getting error on the login screen



1. go to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\<identityServer Instance Name>\Config\production\Sitecore.IdentityServer.Host.xml

2. update AllowedCorsOriginsGroupN values from http to https

3. AppPool recycle

Now check, hope this will work.

Saturday 26 December 2020

ERROR: failed to register layer rename Access is denied

During execution of docker-compose, there are chances to get below issue as



Access is denied

To resolve this issue, we have to make sure all mentioned ports are unique in docker-compose.yml by running below command.

If there is no output entries came for specific port - then we are good, else will have to change port number.

Please run below command in PowerShell as admin

netstat -aon | findstr 8090

Hope this help.

Container is unhealthy docker

During execution of docker-compose, there may be chance of getting that container is unhealthy.

Let's say

ERROR: for traefik  Container "d96f2d2804ef" is unhealthy.

To know exact Issue behind this issue and about status, run below command in PowerShell by pasting above container id

docker inspect --format "{{json .State.Health }}" d96f2d2804ef

Will be output in json exact error details.

To know more about issue run another command as

docker exec -it d96 bash (first 3 character of above issued container)

Hope this will help

Cannot start service cm: container is marked for removal and cannot be started

During Sitecore instance setup with docker-compose command, sometimes you may face below issue

ERROR: Cannot start service cm: container is marked for removal and cannot be started


ERROR: Cannot start service mssql encountered an error during hcsshim sitecore docker


ERROR: Cannot start service solr encountered an error during hcsshim::System::Start: failure in a Windows system call: The virtual machine or container exited unexpectedly.

To resolve above issues, please follow below steps

Try below commands as PowerShell script(admin mode)

docker-compose down

docker-compose up -d

If issue not resolved then please try below approach

copy container id, for which facing issue then run below commands in PowerShell as admin

net stop docker

now manually delete Folder with matched container id from C:\Programdata\docker\containers

net start docker

Hope this help.

Sitecore 10 update 1 installation using SIF

In previous article, we did setup Sitecore 10 update 1 instance using docker

Now in this article will explain alternate way to setup Sitecore 10.0.1 instance using SIF


Click here Packages for XP Single download and unzip (at Let's say D:\Sitecore101SIF)

Paste license.xml file at D:\Sitecore101SIF


Open PowerShell as admin and execute below commands in sequence

cd D:\Sitecore101SIF
Install-Module SitecoreInstallFramework  [ensure version is  2.3.0]
Install-SitecoreConfiguration -Path .\Prerequisites.json

below solr command is optional if solr 8.4.0 already working as https
Install-SitecoreConfiguration -Path Solr-SingleDeveloper.json

Update parameter values in XP0-SingleDeveloper.ps1

That's it.

Demo Time