Getting Started with Material 2:
- Prerequisite:
- Node must be installed and version will be at least 5.5.0 version.
- Npm must be there and version will be at least 3.3.12
- Angular-cli must be there and version will be at least 1.0.0-beta.10
- To check all these are installed on your local machine
- > node -v
- > npm -v
- > ng -v
- To install all these:
- Choco install nodejs
- From cmd prompt
- Npm install -g angular-cli
- Now to get angular-cli version 1.0.0 take prashant’s package.json file from docs.
- Now it’s time to start with material 2.
Clone material from
And now goto root folder
Npm install -g angular-cli
Npm install
ng init --source-dir app
Ng build
Ng serve (for first time)
For next time
Goto cmd prompt
Npm start
Enjoy Buddy!!!