Saturday, 26 December 2020

ERROR: failed to register layer rename Access is denied

During execution of docker-compose, there are chances to get below issue as



Access is denied

To resolve this issue, we have to make sure all mentioned ports are unique in docker-compose.yml by running below command.

If there is no output entries came for specific port - then we are good, else will have to change port number.

Please run below command in PowerShell as admin

netstat -aon | findstr 8090

Hope this help.

Container is unhealthy docker

During execution of docker-compose, there may be chance of getting that container is unhealthy.

Let's say

ERROR: for traefik  Container "d96f2d2804ef" is unhealthy.

To know exact Issue behind this issue and about status, run below command in PowerShell by pasting above container id

docker inspect --format "{{json .State.Health }}" d96f2d2804ef

Will be output in json exact error details.

To know more about issue run another command as

docker exec -it d96 bash (first 3 character of above issued container)

Hope this will help