Saturday, 2 September 2017

working with Temp file using Sitecore rocks

It's always good to keep clean and minimized as much as possible. Like temp files on the sitecore instance reserve memory which is unnecessary and to remove/clear all the temp files at one place using sitecore rocks is very easy.

So let's start first go to instance and right click, select Manage option 

now jump to Temp Files section, here you will see all the temp files are listed will reserved space and path

you don't need to go particular file location, just right click on the file and perform your option as below.
Really by this i'm enjoying while development.

Thanks Sitecore Rocks to save our valuable time!!!

Friday, 1 September 2017

Site Definition using Sitecore Rocks

To add new site without using Sitecore rocks, usually we go to sitecore.config file and made the changes, which is more risky and we should have knowledge about all available attributes/properties while adding new site

But after spending sometimes on the sitecore rocks found pretty good way to add new site without worry about attribute/property. So let's start

By selecting instance and then right click, select Manage option:

After that Sites section is getting appear just down to the Section menu will get all the sites listed.
Here selected Shell and all the properties is getting displayed at the bottom. You can check all the properties applied to this site like Caching, Configuration, Content, Debugging, Devices, Filtering, Information, Inheritance, Security and main thing is Web
below we expanded Web property 

Now if wants to add new site to existing instance then just right click and select add new site option

After this will got property window for new site as below:

once all the info filled, after clicking on OK will get popup to save separate newsite.config just save this to website/app_config/Include

Congrats new sites entry is successfully added to sitecore instance.
Now it's time to work with pipelining using sitecore rocks